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Random Ellipsoid

Random ellipsoid generate a series of random ellipsoid.

  • centerXMin, centerXMax, centerYMin, centerYMax, centerZMin, centerZMax: define the lower and upper boundary for ellipsoid center point. A series of center point will be randomly generated within this region.
  • radiusXMin, radiusXMax, radiusYMin, radiusYMax, radiusZMin, radiusZMax: define the lower and upper boundary for the ellipsoid radius. A series of raidus combination will be randomly picked for each ellipsoid
  • rotationXMin, rotationXMax, rotationYMin, rotationYMax, rotationZMin, rotationZMax: define the lower and upper boundary for the ellipsoid rotation along x, y, and z axis in degree by the xyz sequence.
  • count: the amount of ellipsoid to be created.
  • label: the label to be assigned to these created ellipsoids.

Updated on 2023-03-18 at 16:45:26 -0400

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