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Ellipsoid Shell

Ellipsoid shell require the definition of two ellipsoid, the inner one and the outer one. The formula for each ellipsoid is the same as a [normal ellipsoid]

  • centerInnerX, centerInnerY, centerInnerZ: the center point coordinate (within the simulation grid) of the defined inner ellipsoid.
  • radiusInnerX, radiusInnerY, radiusInnerZ: the inner ellipsoid radius.
  • rotationInnerX, rotationInnerY, rotationInnerZ: the inner ellipsoid rotation angle (degree) along x, y, and z axis in sequence.
  • centerOuterX, centerOuterY, centerOuterZ: the center point coordinate (within the simulation grid) of the defined outer ellipsoid.
  • radiusOuterX, radiusOuterY, radiusOuterZ: the outer ellipsoid radius.
  • rotationOuterX, rotationOuterY, rotationOuterZ: the outer ellipsoid rotation angle (degree) along x, y, and z axis in sequence.

Updated on 2023-03-18 at 16:45:26 -0400

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