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The dimension element contains six child elements:

  • nx, ny, and nz are integer values of the unitless simulation grid counts in three dimension, for example nx=100 means there are 100 uniform grids along x direction in the simulation space.
  • dx, dy, and dz are floating point values for each simulation grid size in meter, for example dx=1e-6 means 1 simulation grid along x direction in simulation space represent 1 micron in real space. Thus, nxdxnx \cdot dx will give you the real space simulation dimension along x in meter. Notice, you must set a numeric value for all six child elements.

An example dimension element of 64 micron cubic with 64 simulation grids along each dimension looks like this:




The structure element has one required child element:

  • sourceType, choose how the structure is defined, 4 possible choices, xml, dat, vti, dream3d And depending on the sourceType you choose, the structure element will need to have more child elements:


If you choose xml for sourceType, then you need to set

  • matrixLabel The default(matrix) phase label
  • geometry List of geometries An example structure element looks like this:


dat or vti

If you choose dat or vti for sourceType, then you need to set:

  • file Path to the dat or vti file
  • dataType Either continuous or discrete type
  • keypoints When choosing the continuous data type, you need to set a series of threshold values, so that the program can assign the phase label to each value range. An example structure element looks like this, the program will automatically assign anything smaller than 0.5 as phase label 0, and anything larger than 0.5 as phase label 1.



If you choose dream3d for sourceType, then you need to set:

  • file Path to the ASCII export from Dream3D.

Updated on 2023-03-18 at 16:45:26 -0400

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